How to Respond to Feedback When it’s Really, Really Tough (or Unexpected)

How to Respond to Feedback When it’s Really, Really Tough (or Unexpected)

I was seated in a small conference room with my leadership team and a phenomenal coach who had just facilitated my firm’s annual meeting.

We had finished the meeting debrief – you know, what worked well, what didn’t and things we should consider doing differently next year.

That’s when my normally warm and supportive colleagues decided to share a critical blind spot that they were concerned could limit both our effectiveness as an overall team and our growth.

Evidently, the broader team saw me more as a buddy than a leader.

And while that did make a certain amount of sense, since I hand-picked every member of our team for their unique skills and experiences, I heard through their words: They did not respect my leadership, my vision, and what I was asking of them as much as they needed to.


That particular feedback stung big-time…

…likely because it touched a very raw nerve for me.

I grew up in a super entrepreneurial family where leadership was proven every hour of every day, rather than being bestowed as the result of a title.

My very people-pleasing approach to earning that leadership respect was strongly rooted in a warm and collegial approach, where true connection always came first.

And now I was learning from my most trusted colleagues that this could actually be my biggest downfall.


I felt raw and suddenly very claustrophobic.


I quickly surmised that running out the room to lick my wounds was not an option.

So I sat there quietly for a few moments.

And then I asked them a question: Why exactly do you think I can do this; why do you think I can become the leader the team needs me to be?


Their responses were the absolute perfect context I needed to absorb and digest the tough stuff.


Here’s some of what they told me:

  • Our team is drawn to you.
  • The way you ask questions encourages free and open dialogue and puts people at ease.
  • You haven’t surrounded yourself with yes-men and that demonstrates confidence.

These attributes they carefully and thoughtfully listed provided me with the handrails I needed to look more closely at the blind spot.


I have never forgotten that conversation, which could have gone in so many more awkward directions.


I even keep my notes from that day close by, even though it’s been years since I worked with those folks.

As I have turned my focus to coaching leaders, I always strive to point out their unique and meaningful strengths before I shine the light on what might be derailing them.

I do that not to be nice, rather, to provide them with the solid ground we all need to examine our flaws with curiosity and vulnerability.

If you are caught off-guard by super challenging feedback, do what I did:

  • Take a couple of nice deep breaths to steady yourself.
  • And then ask something like: What am I doing when I’m at my absolute best?


The tricky thing about mirrors is that they tend to show everything – not just the things we’re looking for.


And by the way, I am still quite warm and friendly with those who work with and for me — AND I have become so much more effective in giving direction and feedback since that difficult day 10 years ago!

Thank You: Why These Are Two of the Most Powerful Words

Thank You: Why These Are Two of the Most Powerful Words

thankful-for-teaser-image-2Google “gratitude in business” and you’ll wind up with thousands of results. And not just because it’s November – a month in which the topic is top of mind for Americans preparing to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. It’s because, as it turns out, gratitude is good for business. And that is because, as neuroscientists have discovered, gratitude actually changes our brains.

According to a Huffington Post round-up on gratitude and the brain, here are three of 10 ways gratitude affects our performance at work:

  1. Gratitude improves social behaviors which makes it easier to network. Studies show that those who are 10% more grateful than average had 17.5% more social capital.

  2. Gratitude stimulates goal achievement. In one study, participants instructed to keep a gratitude journal for two months reported more progress toward their goals.

  3. Gratitude enhances decision making.

Expressing gratitude in the workplace helps leaders create connections (between actions and outcomes, effort and performance) and build relationships (among team members and with others more far-flung in the organization).

Like working any muscle, with repeated practice, the behavior becomes more natural. Here are three ways to make the most out of the gratitude you offer every day – in person, by phone or via a hand-written note:

  1. Be specific about what you’re thankful for, e.g. “Thank you for taking the recent uptick in cost of quality so seriously, and for the focused analysis you provided in your process review.”

  2. Explain what you liked or the next steps, e.g. “I learned two things from the perspective you provided and believe we can make significant progress in reducing defects.”

  3. Continue to build the relationship, e.g. “I’ll take this work forward to the Quality Council and let you know what next steps we put in place.”

Research shows that those who practice gratitude every day live longer, sleep better, experience increased productivity and live happier lives.

We could all use more gratitude in our lives, and especially in the workplace. My challenge to you… smile more and thank someone today.

Here’s a look at what some of our team members are thankful for:

kim-hanson thankful-for-tracy thankful-for-kerrigan beth-swanson natalie thankful-for-elizabeth

Connect with me today to learn how to use gratitude in the workplace to level up your team’s performance.